General Help

Quick Reference:
/unbox - Unbox a new item, you can do this once every 30 minutes.
/usekey - Use a key to unbox a new item, functionally doesn't have a cooldown.
/inventory [user] - View your inventory or view another inventory if user is specified.
/trade [user] - Trade with another user.
/collectors - Combine 15 copies of an item into a collectors variant.
/scrap - Scrap down items to make refined metal or keys OR scrap refined metal to make keys.
/giveaway - Host a giveaway.
/value [user] - Get your net worth or another user's net worth if specified.
/donate - Donate TF2 items to developers.
/stats [item] - Get global stats or a specific items' stats if specified.
/thumbnail - Create a thumbnail.
/sell - Sell an item on the community market.
/buy [market ID] - Buy an item on the community market.

Getting started:
If you don't have an inventory already, type "/unbox" in any channel that has the Discord bot to unbox your first item.
After you unbox the item, you are asked if you want to quick-scrap the item using the scrap button. This button only stays for 30 seconds. If you click it, the item will be destroyed, and you will get the value posted in the unbox embed.
View your new inventory using "/inventory".

After each unbox using the "/unbox" command, you have to wait 30 minutes between each unbox.
With 15 refined metal, you can craft keys. Use the "/scrap" command to scrap items or create keys.
You can use these keys using the "/usekey" command, which effectively has no cooldown.

Sending Trades:
Okay, you've collected a few items, and you're ready to trade with other users. Find a user you wish to trade with, and type "/trade [user]". Discord should automatically fill in the username where [user] is.
The bot should now send you a private message with a trade window. This window may look overwhelming at first, but it's much easier to operate than you probably think.

You can use the blue buttons to move around the currently selected inventory. Use the button labeled "Switch Inventories" to switch between your inventory and the person you're trading with.
Use the "Inspect" button to inspect a specific item in the currently selected inventory. You can add items using the "Add their/your item" buttons, and you can remove the last added item using the red "Remove Items" button.
Before you send the trade, you can add a note using the "Add Note" button. When you are satisfied, click the green "Finished Trade" button, you will be asked to confirm the trade before sending.

Receiving Trades:
If you have received a trade, you can click the green "Accept Trade" button to accept the trade.
If you don't like the trade contents, or just generally don't want to trade, you can click the red "Reject Trade" to reject the trade, you must enter a reason for rejecting the trade.